AVL Cruise基础教程:Gear Box模块-用户定义参数-Gear Box基本参数详解 ...
摘要: AVL Cruise基础教程:Gear Box模块-用户定义参数-Gear Box基本参数详解
AVL Cruise Gear Box模块的Gear Box选项卡和Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction选项卡详解(大纲)
1、Gear Ratio Table
G ...
AVL Cruise基础教程:Gear Box模块-用户定义参数-Gear Box基本参数详解 AVL Cruise Gear Box模块的Gear Box选项卡和Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction选项卡详解(大纲) 1、Gear Ratio Table 挡位速比表 Gear Ratio Table位于Gear Box模块的Gear Box选项卡下,整个挡位速比表分为6列: a)Gear 挡位 b)Transmission Ratio 传动比 c)Inertia Moment In 输入侧转动惯量 d)Inertia Moment Out 输出侧转动惯量 e)Number of Teeth Input 输入轴齿数 f)Number of Teeth Output 输出轴齿数 2、Efficiency Fixed 挡位效率表 AVL Cruise Gear Box模块的Gear Box选项卡和Efficiency and Torque Loss Correction选项卡详解(详细) https://autosim.club/thread-19-1-1.html |